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CEO/Founder of TCI Research
Olivier Henry-Biabaud founded TCI Research in 2010 after 20+ years of experience in market research in global companies. TCI Research a leading Brussels-based travel BI Agency, sets global standards for measuring the pulse of sustainable and competitive destinations with a focus on visitor satisfaction, resident sentiment and destination brand reputation. Olivier was awarded by UNWTO in 2011 for its research program TRAVELSAT and has worked for 100+ destinations and travel brands worldwide, providing visitor economy players with insights using smart combination of surveys and social data analytics. In 2017, he received the Best Travel Market Research CEO Award from the EU Business News.
Speaker’s sessions
Wed, Dec, 09, 2020 1:00PM- 1:35PM

PATA & GTEF Partnership Session: Best Practices under the ‘New Normal’ through Consumer Sentiment Analysis