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Professor of Finance TOBB University of Economics and Technology
Ali Alp has been Professor of Finance of TOBB University of Economics and Technology since 2007. The Visiting Professor of Bilkent University concurrently sits on the boards of Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, ÖZAK Real Estate Investment Corporation, ÖZAK Global Holding, Torunlar Real Estate Investment Corporation and Başkentgaz GYO A.Ş., and serves as board consultant for OTI Holding. Prof. Alp started his public career in Turkey in 1987. After a stint as Visiting Professor of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, he successively served as Vice President of Housing Development Administration and Deputy Undersecretary of Hous ing in Prime Minister’s Office. Prior pursuing professorship in 2005, he was Deputy Undersecretary of Ministry of Culture and Tourism, board member of Turkish Promotion Fund in Prime Minister’s Office, and an Executive Council member of the UNWTO. A Certified Public Accountant and a Real Estate Appraisal Expert, Prof. Alp obtained Master of Arts in Business Administration from Ankara University, Master of Business Administration from Marmara University, and Philosophy of Doctorates in Finance and Business Administration from Maastricht School of Management and Ankara University, respectively.