
米歇尔 · 弗伦策尔

米歇尔 ‧ 弗伦策尔博士在1947年3月2日出生于德国萨克森,于波鸿鲁尔大学修读法律系,并在该大学担任科学助理期间,成功修毕法学博士课程。 1988年,他成为途易集团前身普罗伊萨格集团董事局成员,主理贸易与物流业务。 1994年,他擢升为普罗伊萨格集团董事局主席,领导这家综合企业于数年内重新定位为欧洲旅游业龙头企业,主要里程碑包括于1997年收购德国航运企业赫伯罗德集团的股分,其后陆续收购各大旅游业龙头企业,包括德国汉诺威途易、伦敦汤姆森和巴黎新国界。 2002年7月1日,年度股东大会通过了一项决议,将普罗伊萨格集团易名为途易集团。2013年2月13日,弗伦策尔博士辞任集团首席执行官。 弗伦策尔博士为德国旅游业联合会主席,亦曾任世界旅游及旅行理事会主席,在主要机构内代表旅游业界发声。2017年12月,弗伦策尔博士被任命为世界旅游及旅行理事会大使,并自2012年起担任世界旅游经济论坛荣誉主席。
Wed, Dec 9, 04:25PM - 05:00PM


Helo World dec deec deccc 

Hong Kong is facing its fourth coronavirus wave, and the government announced on Monday that civil servants will return to working from home. The city has also shut schools until the new year. With these developments in mind, some developers are making sure their homes can also serve as offices.

New residential developments have had to rethink communal spaces, said Simon Chua, the co-founder and executive director of architecture firm Lead 8. “The traditional clubhouses are useless during the pandemic. Some developers have started converting them to co-working spaces that people can rent during the day. [They can] share facilities such as printing, meeting rooms and flexible spaces for work and relaxation,” Chua said.