

世界旅游及旅行理事会 主席、希尔顿酒店集团 总裁兼首席执行官
克里斯多夫•纳塞塔(Christopher Nassetta)是希尔顿酒店集团总裁兼首席执行官,他于 2007 年加入集团。 此前,纳塞塔先生于2000年开始担任Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc.的总裁兼首席执行官。他于1995年以执行副总裁的身份加入Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc.,并于 1997年获任命为首席运营官。 在加入Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc. 之前,纳塞塔先生于 1991 年联合创办Bailey Capital Corporation,负责该房地产投资和顾问机构的营运工作。在创办Bailey Capital Corporation前,他曾在商业房地产巨头公司 Oliver Carr Company 工作七年,担任其首席發展官,负责公司大西洋中部的所有發展工作和活动。 纳塞塔先生拥有美国维珍尼亚大学麦金太尔商学院金融专业学位。他现时仍在麦金太尔商学院谘询委员会任职。
Wed, Dec 9, 04:25PM - 05:00PM


Helo World dec deec deccc 

Hong Kong is facing its fourth coronavirus wave, and the government announced on Monday that civil servants will return to working from home. The city has also shut schools until the new year. With these developments in mind, some developers are making sure their homes can also serve as offices.

New residential developments have had to rethink communal spaces, said Simon Chua, the co-founder and executive director of architecture firm Lead 8. “The traditional clubhouses are useless during the pandemic. Some developers have started converting them to co-working spaces that people can rent during the day. [They can] share facilities such as printing, meeting rooms and flexible spaces for work and relaxation,” Chua said.